7 Signs You May Be Suffering from Nerve Pain

Types of Nerve Pain

Types of Nerve Pain

Neuropathic pain or Neuralgia, commonly known as nerve pain, results from a health condition affecting nerves responsible for delivering sensation to the brain. This pain is distinctive by nature and won’t fall into the same categories as the other types of pain. It can be diagnosed easily by the best neurologist in Delhi.

What are the Types of Nerve Pain?

Post-herpetic: Post-herpetic Neuralgia is a pain in the areas of the skin where it got affected by shingles (herpes zoster).

Occipital Neuralgia: It is a particular kind of headache where one experiences throbbing or pain in the upper-neck area.

Trigeminal Neuralgia: It is a chronic pain affecting the part of your face. You start feeling electric-shock-kind of a severe sensation on that part of your face.

Pudendal Neuralgia: It is a lasting pain affecting the pelvic area. Damage in the pudendal nerve (vital nerve in the pelvic region) triggers pudendal Neuralgia.

Reasons Behind Nerve Pain

Issues with the central nervous system (spinal cord and brain) or problems in the nerves connecting the central nervous system with muscles and organs trigger nerve pain.

Common Causes

● Low blood supply to the blood

● Spinal, Nervous, or brain injury

● Phantom pain right after an amputation

● Too much drinking

● Certain medications

● Vitamin B1 and B12 deficiency

Certain conditions can cause nerve pain

● Diabetes

● Multiple sclerosis

● Certain infections, such as HIV/AIDS and shingles

● Stroke

● Carpal tunnel syndrome

● Cancer and its various treatments like surgery, chemo, and radiation

● Exposure to a toxin like arsenic, mercury, and lead

Other conditions associated with nerve pain are

1. Fibromyalgia

Poor sleep or emotional distress can cause severe burning or aching pain in various body parts. Sometimes genetic factors can be responsible for Fibromyalgia.

2. Sciatica

Sciatica occurs when an overgrowth of bone or a herniated disc puts pressure on the nerves associated with the lower back leading to inflammation, pain, and numbness or weakness in the leg.

3. Peripheral neuropathy

When the nerves connecting the brain and spinal cord (peripheral nerves) get damaged, Peripheral neuropathy occurs. It results in pain, numbness, and weakness in the hands and feet.

Signs of Nerve Pain:

1. Numbness in hands and feet

The prolonged numbness or tingling sensation in the hands and feet are early signs of nerve damage. Numbness or tingling can be temporary also. If the pins-and-needle feeling does not leave, it’s time to consult your healthcare provider.

2. You are sweating more than normal

Physical activity or a rise in temperature in your body makes it sweat. But If you find yourself covered with sweat without any sudden temperature change inside the body or the environment, there is a possibility of nerve damage. When the nerves carrying information from the brain to the sweat glands get damaged, there can be more fluctuation in the body temperatures. Consult the best neurologist in Delhi, who might instruct you to get tests to check the heart and the rate of sweating.

3. Facing difficulty in moving your body parts

If you feel it is hard or impossible to move your body parts, there is a possibility that your motor nerves are damaged. The same symptoms can also be early indications of other serious illnesses. Get medical attention at the earliest.

4. You are more clumsy than usual

Have you experienced a lot of falling or stumbling? If yes, there might be a possibility of nerve damage, resulting in loss of coordination inside your body. If the clumsiness is accompanied by tremours, speech changes, and rigid muscles, please talk to a medical practitioner. It can be an indication of Parkinson’s disease.

5. Severe headaches

If you are experiencing sudden, brief headaches with an intensity of electric shocks, you have Occipital Neuralgia. Consult your doctor to be sure.

6. Darting pain in one leg

A constant shooting pain developing in the lower back and moving back to the back of one leg could mean that you suffer from sciatica. In addition, a herniated disc or diabetes can cause sciatica.

7. Visiting the restroom for frequent urination

If you feel the need to urinate a lot or leak in your pants, it can indicate possible nerve damage. Diabetic people or women who have experienced vaginal birth are at a higher risk of this kind of nerve injury.

8. Dullness of senses

Your nerves make you feel pain and warn your body to be prepared for any possible injury or attack. But you can be more prone to accidents when the sensory nerves are not working correctly due to damage or injury. So if you feel any dullness in your senses, please consult the doctor.


Nerves are the most intrinsic part of our body. Once it gets damaged, it becomes difficult for our body to communicate appropriately with all the organs, and the whole system fails. After reading this article and learning about any possible nervous system injury symptoms, consult the best neurologist in Delhi to give yourself the best treatment possible.

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