Benefits, Types, and Costs of Asphalt Sealcoating

Asphalt Sealcoating

If you are considering having your road or driveway sealed with asphalt, read on to find out more about the benefits, types, and costs of this type of coating. After reading this article, you will be better informed about what to expect during the process and how to care for your asphalt properly afterward. The process can take as little as an hour or as long as several days, depending on the project. Regardless of the method you choose, you’ll be glad you made the investment.


Many benefits of asphalt sealcoating are obvious, including its ability to protect the surface from water damage and weeds. Cracked and chipped asphalt creates a tripping and slipping hazard and can also cause vehicle alignment problems. The process of asphalt sealcoating protects the asphalt surface from the harsh elements and helps maintain the trust of property owners. Here are some of the benefits of asphalt sealcoating:

As a result, sealcoating extends the life of a parking lot or road, providing an extra layer of protection. Sealcoating will also fill cracks and hairline areas, reducing water intrusion and increasing pavement life. Lastly, sealcoating will reduce the need for regular maintenance, which is critical if you want your pavement to last. Furthermore, you will save money on professional cleaning. You won’t need to worry about the appearance of your parking lot, as it will look great for longer.


Different types of asphalt sealcoating are available, and they are all intended to achieve different results. Some have two paddles while others use four. Some use rubber wipers on the paddle edges while others make use of a rake system to break up clumps. There are also various techniques for asphalt patch installation. If you’re unsure of which technique is right for your project, talk to your paving contractor.

Asphalt sealcoating is a great way to extend the life of newly laid pavement. Seal coating can help to extend the life of new asphalt, as well as preserve the look of freshly paved roads. A good seal coat can increase the life of the pavement by several years, which is great news for anyone who’s invested in a new driveway, parking lot, or sidewalk. Here are three types of asphalt sealcoating that you should know about.


The cost of sealcoating is dependent on a variety of factors, including the type of surface to be treated and the ease of access to the surface. A hard-to-access surface, like an inaccessible parking lot or backyard area, will take longer to sealcoat than a relatively easy one. The number of coats needed will depend on the type of traffic the area receives. A basic residential driveway might require only one coat of sealcoating, while a busy parking lot may require two or three.

If you’re a DIY-er, you may be tempted to save money by applying the sealer yourself. However, it’s important to remember that sealing your driveway is only effective when the damaged area is repaired, or else it can lead to potholes. If you’re looking for a longer-lasting, more durable surface, hire a professional asphalt sealer. These contractors have the expertise and equipment to properly seal the asphalt surface, ensuring it lasts a long time.


Asphalt sealcoating is a crucial element of an effective preventative maintenance program for streets. It not only adds curb appeal to a street, but it also protects the pavement from oxidation, which can cause raveling and cracking. Sealcoating is necessary for newly paved surfaces within 18-24 months, and it should be done every three to five years after the initial application. It is important to regularly check for cracks and depressions in the sealcoat to ensure that they do not become big potholes. Before applying sealcoating, the surface must be thoroughly cleaned. This can be done with a pressure washer or wire broom. Any potholes should be filled and any chemicals or oil or gasoline spills cleaned up. Once the surface is clean, the sealcoat is applied using a squeegee. Make sure to apply it evenly to ensure that it adheres to the pavement. A regularly scheduled sealcoating program will double the lifespan of asphalt.