Instructional Guide to Resolve Netgear Orbi Purple Light Issue

There is no doubt about the fact that Netgear Orbi routers are one of the leading WiFi devices in the industry. But, like any other technical device, an Orbi is also prone to some issues. Thus, it is no shocker if you are facing issues with your Orbi router, especially, the purple light issue. But, fret not. You can easily troubleshoot it with the help of the hacks highlighted in this post. Thus, get to reading without wasting any more time.

[Resolved] Netgear Orbi Purple Light Issue

  1. Update the Orbi Firmware

Performing Orbi firmware update is the very first thing that you should do to resolve the purple light issue. The following are the guidelines you need to go through to update the software of your device:

In case, you feel that updating the firmware of your Orbi is difficult via the Manual method, you can execute the same process using the Orbi app.

  1. Check the Ethernet Connection

Have you used a wired source of connection as in an Ethernet cable to connect your devices? First of all, pat yourself on the back. You took the right decision.

Now, check if the cable has any cuts on it. Does it? Oops. It looks like you need to change it. Once you have connected the existing modem and the Orbi router using a new cable, ensure that the connection is not loose.

  1. Restart the Netgear Orbi

If even after following the aforementioned fixes, you are experiencing the Netgear Orbi purple light issue, you are required to restart your device.

All that you need to do to give your Orbi a new start is to go through these steps:

Now, access the Netgear orbi login page and see if you are able to do it in a hassle-free manner. If you aren’t, it means that the purple light issue is still bothering you. But, worry not. You still have a chance to fix it as there are a few fixes left below for you to follow.

  1. Reduce the Distance Between Devices

Perhaps the distance between your devices is more than it should be. In other words, your Orbi router is not placed at a safe distance from the existing modem.

Therefore, what you need to do is, unplug your devices from their current power outlets and plug them into the ones that are located close to each other. This will ensure that your devices are placed in proximity. Apart from that, their signals won’t find it difficult to get transmitted with ease.

  1. Perform Factory Default Reset

Despite all the efforts that you have made, are you still going bonkers because of the Netgear Orbi purple light issue? Well, if that is the case, then we think that it’s time for you to reset Orbi.

Restoring your device to its default mode is possible if you walk through these steps:

Right after you have reset your Netgear Orbi device, set it up again. Wondering which method to use for that? Well, you can use both the Manual method and the Orbi app for the process.

Sum Up

Coming across the Netgear Orbi purple light issue has become very common nowadays and has somehow managed to ruin the internet-usage experience of users. Considering that you are also facing the same issue, we hope that the aforementioned hacks prove to be useful for you.

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