Menstruation After Ectopic Pregnancy Treatment

An ectopic pregnancy occurs when an early pregnancy becomes implanted anywhere other than the uterine cavity. It is a fatal condition that affects about one in every 100 pregnancies. The fallopian tubes are the most common location for ectopic pregnancies, but they can also occur in the cervix, cesarean scar, ovary, or even the abdominal cavity. You have to take treatment to stop your ectopic pregnancy, to avoid potentially dangerous situations. Following your treatment, you may experience vaginal bleeding similar to a period. Here I have discussed menstruation after ectopic pregnancy treatment; read more to know them all.

Although it may continue for several weeks, the early pregnancy cannot survive outside of the uterus’s protective, nourishing environment. Because the fallopian tube is insufficiently large to accommodate a growing baby, the thin wall of the fallopian tube will stretch, causing pain in the lower abdomen and frequent vaginal bleeding. If the tube is not diagnosed and treated promptly, it can rupture, resulting in severe abdominal bleeding.

Menstruation After Ectopic Pregnancy Treatment

The bleeding that occurs after surgery, methotrexate treatment, or if you are managed expectantly is not considered your first period after the ectopic pregnancy. Because you are no longer pregnant, your body is expelling the thickened uterine lining.

Once the beta hCG levels (pregnancy hormones) in your body have dropped, the chemical signals produced to retain the thickened uterine lining that has built up in preparation for pregnancy are no longer produced, and the uterine lining is shed. The procedure involves vaginal bleeding, and the material may be clotty, heavy, dark, or appear precisely like one of your regular period bleeds.

The bleeding that occurs after an ectopic pregnancy, especially when treated with methotrexate, can be exceedingly heavy and clotty, resulting in the passage of what is known as a decidual cast. This decidual cast can cause uncertainty and worry, and it is frequently mistaken for the baby’s tissue.

The decidua is the uterus lining that is not taken up by the placenta while women are pregnant. The appearance of the normal uterine lining is decidualized due to the presence and action of progesterone (a hormone that designs the uterus for a fertilized egg). A decidual cast occurs when a section of the decidua is shed.

It is supposed to arise due to a loss of stability of the lining’s integrity caused by hormones that aren’t acting correctly in an ectopic pregnancy. The fast drop in hormones can cause the material inside the uterus to shed in layers, and the material passed can be grey, pink, or white and look like a clot or dark or frank red blood.

Menstruation Length After Ectopic Pregnancy

Because the bleeding is from the lining of the womb and is hormonally controlled, the length of time anyone bleeds varies greatly. It will most likely last a week or two before changing color from red to brown and dissipating. Some women report irregular bleeding and spotting for up to six weeks.

The situation is normal as long as you aren’t soaking a pad in less than an hour or the pain is severe enough that you can’t manage it with over-the-counter pain relievers like paracetamol. If you have any worries, you should consult your gynecologist.

Actual Menstruation After Ectopic Pregnancy Treatment

It may take some time for women’s periods to return, and they may begin anywhere between four and ten weeks after treatment. Most women have their period around week six or seven following surgery, or four weeks after their hCG levels fall below 100 mIU/mL if they are not treated with surgery.

You must generally ovulate before you can have a period. It is quite possible to ovulate within 14 days of surgical therapy and almost as quickly with methotrexate medication; therefore, it is crucial to be aware that you can become pregnant without having a full period first if you are not taking some contraception. The first period could be less or more painful than usual, lighter or heavier, shorter or longer than expected – there is no set pattern. You can handle the pain with over-the-counter pain relievers and should not soak a pad in less than an hour. If this is not the case, you should see a doctor.

Care Yourself After Treatment

You must consult the best gynecologist to know everything in detail. If you have any concerns regarding your pregnancy, you can book your appointment with one of the Best Gynecologists in Islamabad through Marham.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1- When can I expect to get my period after an ectopic pregnancy?

Every woman is different in terms of when to expect her period after surgery, and it is normal to expect this to happen within four to six weeks. This initial period is frequently thicker or lighter than usual, but it should be normal within two to three months.

2- Is it possible for an ectopic pregnancy to cause irregular periods?

Women who have an ectopic pregnancy may experience irregular bleeding and pelvic or abdominal pain, usually on one side.

3- How long did you bleed after receiving methotrexate for ectopic pregnancy?

It is common for bleeding to begin a few days following the injection, and this bleeding can last for a few days to up to 6 weeks.