Onion Benefits As a Dietary Supplement

Onion Benefits As a Dietary Supplement

Adding an onion to your diet can do a world of good. Its numerous benefits include boosting your libido and curing acute earaches. Onion also boosts your sex drive when consumed in small amounts three times a day. To improve your libido, simply eat a tablespoon of onion three times a day. To achieve this, you can try preparing your favorite dish with onion slices.


The flavonoid quercetin is found in onions and is not lost when the onion is cooked. However, this flavonoid is more concentrated in the outer layers of the onion peel. This means that the first two to three layers are the most quercetin-packed. You should therefore chop these layers with the rest of the onion. It is also important to wash the onion well after peeling to maintain the highest levels of quercetin.


Onions are loaded with vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, which supports the skin’s structure. The phytochemical quercetin also helps reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, and other health problems. Researchers have also shown that onions have an inhibitory effect on certain types of microbes responsible for cholera. Onion consumption may lower blood sugar levels, which is especially important for people with diabetes. This is due to specific compounds in onions that may have an anti-diabetic effect.

Vitamin C

The benefits of onion, which contain the antioxidant vitamin C, extend well beyond its nutrient content. Its sulphur-containing compounds, called organosulfur compounds, possess diverse health-functional properties, including anticancer and antimicrobial activity. This article explores the various benefits of onion as a dietary supplement. Read on to discover more. In this article, we’ll explore the many health benefits of onion, along with some of the more common ways to prepare it.


One cup of raw onion has about seven grams of Potassium and 11 percent of the recommended daily allowance of fiber. In addition, onions are also high in phytonutrients, including quercetin and anthocyanins. These phytonutrients, which have been identified as powerful anti-inflammatory and health-promoting compounds, help keep the digestive system in tip-top shape. The following information may help you reap the maximum benefits from onions.

Vitamin B6

Fresh onion contains Vitamin B6 and is excellent for preventing arteries from getting clogged. It also helps with diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides. Its anti-clotting properties ensure that blood flows freely from the heart. And consuming onions daily can help reduce risk of developing cardiovascular disease. A medium-sized onion contains 8% of the Daily Value of Vitamin B6. The vitamin is also known to help with PMS and morning sickness.


Onions are a rich source of selenium, a mineral required for the effective defense against free radicals. One hundred grams of fresh garlic contain 14 milligrams of selenium, almost 25 percent of the daily recommendation for women. In addition, they contain high levels of vitamin C and B6, which help the body fight toxins and improve the stress response. Here’s how onions benefit you. Click: Dietitian in Ambala


Sulfur benefits of onion include an increase in antioxidant activity and decreased risk of cancer. This benefit is not exclusive to onions. Allium vegetables contain sulfur-containing compounds, such as alliins, which have a number of health benefits. For example, onions may protect against bacterial infections. Sulfur-fertilized onions have increased antioxidant activity and reduced formation of heterocyclic amines. Although the specific effects of sulfur are not known, dietary intakes of onions may reduce cancer risk.

Blood sugar control

There are numerous studies that show the benefits of eating onions for controlling blood sugar levels. For example, a study by the Environmental Health Insights magazine found that onions reduced blood glucose levels in type 1 and type 2 diabetics by over 50%. The Endocrine Society published a similar study, which looked at the effects of various onion doses on diabetic rats. A few people believe that onion juice can prevent hyperglycemia in diabetics. However, it is best to consult a dietitian or health care provider before eating onions.

Bone health

Onion is an excellent source of polyphenol, which is known to be an important component of bone health. Recent studies have found that women who ate at least one onion a day had greater bone density and a lower risk of hip fractures. Women who ate an onion daily were also at a lower risk of osteoporosis, a chronic inflammatory disease that reduces bone mineral density. These benefits are apparent even in women who don’t eat onions often.

Digestive health

An onion contains many anti-oxidants, including quercetin. This antioxidant can prevent blood clots by inhibiting the growth of a number of harmful bacteria, including Helicobacter pylori, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and Candida albicans. Additionally, onion contains an abundance of fiber, inulin, and phytochemicals, all of which may reduce the risk of gastric ulcers.