Routine To Follow After A Gynecomastia Surgery In Delhi

Types of Nerve Pain

Types of Nerve Pain

What is Gynecomastia? 

Gynecomastia is a medical condition that affects the male breast tissue. It can cause pain, tenderness, and swelling in the breast area. In some cases, patients can also develop discharge in the nipple. Gynecomastia results from an imbalance in the testosterone and estrogen hormones. It can also be caused by certain medications, medical conditions, or illegal drugs. Treatment for gynecomastia typically involves a combination of surgery and medicine.

During the surgical procedure, the surgeon ensures that the patient is relieved of the concerns related to having male breasts leading to favorable results. A more collaborative approach is, however, necessary for better results, particularly on the part of the patient. In addition, to ensure the maximum benefit of surgery, the patient must adhere strictly to the postoperative protocol.

The main objective of this discussion is to provide an overview of the postoperative protocols that the patient should follow to obtain the maximum benefit from the surgery.


It generally takes 4 to 6 weeks for a patient to recover from gynecomastia surgery in Delhi, depending on their recovery pace and health condition. Surgeons usually recommend resting for the first two or three days to allow the recovery process to proceed effectively. There may be discomfort, tightness, or tenderness in the treated area for a few days following surgery. The symptoms will gradually subside after a week or so. A week after your surgery, you may need to visit your surgeon to have the stitches removed.

Post-procedure care

To ensure a healthy and swift recovery and to avoid complications, you must follow the instructions provided by your surgeon. These include:


A clear fluid diet should be consumed immediately following surgery, gradually switching to solid foods. Ensure you have a balanced diet that includes plenty of fluids. To prevent dehydration, you may add fruit juices to your diet.

Rest adequately and do not rush back to normal activities

Following the procedure, you should get adequate rest and limit your activities for a quicker recovery.

You should be aware that there may be a slight tightness or discomfort in the area of surgery for approximately four to six weeks, but the symptoms will resolve gradually.

Wearing a compression vest 

The most critical aspect of the postoperative regime is wearing a compression vest. The garment must be worn continuously throughout the day from the second to the third day following surgery. Compression vests offer the following benefits:

● Reduce swelling in the area of the operation

● Prevent the development of seromas. A seroma is a collection of water-like fluid in the chest following gynecomastia surgery. The condition usually resolves by itself, although large seromas may require the administration of multiple aspirations and steroids.

● Helps restore the skin’s proper shape by allowing it to shrink back and spread uniformly over the area of surgery.

● Reduces postoperative pain by providing support to the operated area.

Massaging of the chest area 

When tissues heal from surgery, they become hardened, forming fibrous tissue. A regular massage over the operation site is very helpful in softening the tissues during the healing process and facilitates lymphatic drainage of the affected area. It will make the area more flexible and comfortable.

Massage can be started as early as two weeks after surgery and done several times per day for approximately 15 to 20 minutes each time.

Good posture

Undoubtedly, mental health plays a key role in the recovery from gynecomastia surgery in Delhi. Assuming the correct posture – and giving up the “gyno hunch” most men adopt before seeking treatment for gynecomastia – is a helpful mental recovery activity. The “gyno hunch” is the result of feeling humiliated, embarrassed, having a low sense of self-worth, and psychological distress. When you maintain a tall and firm posture and roll your shoulders back, your confidence in being gynecomastia-free will be more evident.

Gynecomastia surgery involves a considerable investment for the patient, both financially and psychologically. Therefore, it only makes sense for them to seek the maximum return on their investment. The practice of a good postoperative routine can help achieve this outcome while reducing the chances of having to undergo secondary surgery, avoiding unnecessary complications, and achieving suboptimal surgical results.


Patients must follow their postoperative routine after a gynecomastia surgery in Delhi. It will help ensure proper healing and avoid any complications. Patients should follow their surgeon’s instructions and attend all follow-up appointments.

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