Signs and Causes of Myokymia

Close up shot of young woman rubbing her eye with one hand outdoors - Portrait of cute and sleepy girl with brown hair wearing eyeglasses

Children and Adults should prioritize their overall physical and mental health. If someone experiences excessive eyelid twitching, it is best to visit an eye specialist. The specialist will determine the severity of the condition and its cause. It would help the patient eliminate the trigger and take medications for smooth recovery. It would allow the person to function adequately in every aspect of life.

Myokymia is commonly known as eyelid twitching. It is the involuntary eyelid muscle spasms. The symptoms of the illness differ from individual to individual. Some people experience milder symptoms as compared to others. Spasms usually occur in the upper lid of the eye. However, the person may experience spasms in the lower eyelid as well.

What are the indications of myokymia?

The common signs and symptoms of myokymia/eyelid twitching are:

What are the known causes of Myokymia?

The known causes of myokymia are:

What preventative measures minimize the risk of suffering from myokymia?

The preventive measure includes:

What medications are proven beneficial in treating myokymia?

The medications that help deal with eyelid twitching are:

People suffering from the condition should consult the best eye specialist in Karachi for guidance regarding effective treatment options.