Studies Conducted on AA Meetings Provide Eye-Opening Results

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is not just a group of alcoholics coming together to chat and spend some time together. This is a serious initiative, which was taken by two individuals who wanted to fight alcoholism AND win. Several decades have passed and AA continues to serve as the guiding “star” that throws light on the path of sobriety. 

According to the Associate Director of Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Center for Addiction Medicine, John F. Kelly, AA is one of the most sought-after sources of help in the US for de-addicting from alcohol and fighting alcohol-related issues.

AA conducts meetings in various parts of the US and outside. You can easily find an AA meeting in Virginia

AA study 

MGH’s Associate Director is an associate professor at the Harvard Medical School Department of Psychiatry. He has led a study that is aimed towards finding out how AA helps alcoholics turn sober. Researchers associated with this study attempted to observe the independent effects of various mechanisms used by alcoholics to recover simultaneously. 

Here is what Kelly has to say:

The (study) results suggest that social context factors are key; the people who associated with individuals attempting to begin recovery can be crucial to their likelihood of success.

Earlier, in 1990, the Institute of Medicine had suggested more research to find out how local AA meetings helped people recover from alcoholism successfully. Several studies have revealed short-term and long-term benefits of participating in such meetings. 

However, it is only recently that researchers have conducted a thorough investigation into how the meetings render strong benefits to people. 

Outstanding discoveries about AA meetings

Recent studies have found outstanding results that show that the first three months of recovery are crucial for an alcoholic. Greater participation in meetings during this time increases the chances of successful recovery manifold. 

This is because the most difficult part is the initial phase of recovery. You experience withdrawal symptoms, both physical and mental, that make it tough to stay sober. Without an external support system accompanied by strong motivation, direction, and access to a sober environment, it can be difficult for a person to quit alcohol completely. 

It is found that AA meeting brings physical, mental, and spiritual transformation in an individual. People gain more confidence and begin to have faith in themselves. You realize you are not helpless. You have the power to change your life. 

Meetings are powerful means to achieve lifetime sobriety. This is not all. You gain deeper insight into the 12 steps that help you throughout life. You also learn the 12 traditions of AA, which are crucial in keeping AA what it is today. 

Alcoholics Anonymous exposes you to a world of possibilities. It also encourages you to look within yourselves. Dig out your follies, ego, negativity, and fears and banish them from your life. What is left is a powerful and positive being within you – ready to embrace a life of sobriety. 

With sample research and study backing the benefits of AA, it’s time for transformation. Whether you are an alcoholic looking to quitting alcohol or know somebody who wants to quit, AA can be of help.