Ways for Asthma Treatment At Home

Ways for Asthma Treatment At Home 

Asthma is a chronic health condition characterized by narrowing airways leading to the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing. For those who are not asthmatic, this is how scary it is. Your airways are blocked due to inflammation, your chest becomes tight, and you finally start experiencing difficulty breathing. In worst-case scenarios, patients experience oxygen cuts that can be fatal if not treated. Worse still, there is no cure for asthma. 

Although asthma cannot be cured, it can be treated in hospitals and by local home remedies. If you are looking to feel better or reduce asthma symptoms, here are seven proven ways you can treat asthma from home. 


Unfortunately, most people think exercising can trigger an asthma attack. This is the opposite because exercise has many health benefits, ranging from increased blood circulation to decreased blood pressure. All of which have a significant effect on reducing asthmatic symptoms. Exercise can also reduce airway inflammation and enhance lung function for effective breathing in asthmatic patients. 

Using Tianeptine and Kratom. 

Kratom is a recreational drug extracted from the leaves of the Mitragyna speciosa tree, commonly found in South East Asia. Although it is widely used as a recreational drug, Kratom can also be used as a home remedy in the treatment of asthma, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. 

On the other hand, Tianeptine is an antidepressant drug used to treat depressive disorders, asthma, and anxiety. Tianeptine has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce bronchoconstriction in asthmatic patients. 

While Kratom and Tianeptine may appear similar in how they work to treat asthma, the two drugs have a single significant difference. Kratom is a natural substance obtained from the leaves of a tree, while Tianeptine is a chemically manufactured drug. You can always refer to the Tianeptine vs Kratom review

Include ginger and garlic in your diet. 

You must have loved the smell and flavor if you’ve used garlic in your food before. But did you know garlic has more than just flavor and a pleasant aroma? I thought you should know. Garlic enhances the smell and flavor of your food and has medicinal properties that can help you reduce asthmatic symptoms. 

Image source:https://unsplash.com/photos/r8ySJfxvESQ 

In the case of asthma, patients have swollen surrounding areas of their airwaves, caused constriction of the airways and making it difficult to breathe. Garlic has remarkable anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce this inflammation, consequently decreasing asthma symptoms. 

Image source:https://pixabay.com/photos/ginger-vegetables-food-ginger-1960613/ 

Just like garlic, ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can ease asthmatic symptoms. You can add ginger to your food or tea and reap big from its benefits. 

Caffeine intake. 

Caffeine is a natural stimulant in tea, coffee, and cocoa plants. Clinical studies have revealed that caffeine has pharmacological effects similar to theophylline, a drug used to treat asthma. Theophylline is a bronchodilator drug used on asthmatic patients to open the airways and ease breathing. 

Image source:https://unsplash.com/photos/NK-N6coeI5Y 

Because of its similarities to theophylline, caffeine can be used as a home remedy to help asthmatic people reduce asthma symptoms. Drinking coffee or hot tea during asthmatic attacks can help asthmatic patients breathe and feel better. 

Yoga for asthma. 

Yoga is a mind-body practice incorporating various deep breathing techniques that can be helpful to asthmatic patients in many ways. The benefits of yoga are based on the relief gained from breathing exercises. 

Image source:https://pixabay.com/photos/yoga-fitness-exercise-health-body-3053487/ 

Although more research is needed, some evidence from studies on asthmatic patients shows that yoga can help relieve asthmatic symptoms. In 2016, for instance, a review of 15 studies published in the Cochrane database showed that asthmatic patients who practiced yoga frequently had improved asthmatic symptoms and the overall quality of their life. 

Another study published in June 2017 revealed that asthmatic patients with mild asthma attacks improved their overall quality of life and reduced asthma symptoms. This means that even though yoga cannot be used as a standalone treatment for asthma, it may help minimize asthmatic symptoms because: 

Identifying and avoiding triggers 

This is perhaps the easiest and most effective way of managing asthma at home. Although you can do little about pollutants in your external environment, you can minimize pollutants in your home to lessen susceptibility to indoor asthmatic attacks. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA), external asthmatic triggers differ from person to person, and they may include: 

Taking actions to reduce these triggers will help reduce the chances of an asthmatic attack. 

Using Honey. 

Honey has, from time immemorial, been used to treat cough in children and adults. Because coughing can trigger asthma symptoms, using honey to soothe a sore throat to prevent coughing can help lessen asthmatic symptoms. You can mix honey with hot tea or take two spoons of honey twice daily to help reduce asthmatic attacks. 

Image source:https://pixabay.com/photos/honey-syrup-pouring-sweet-organic-1006972/ 

Bottom line. 

Asthma is a chronic pulmonary disease that can be fatal if not treated properly. As an asthmatic patient, it is essential to have a treatment plan that works best for you or seek medical attention when necessary. Adding the above-listed home remedies can also make you feel better, but always confirm with a doctor before adding any treatment plan.