Why am I Unable to Access wifi.wavlink.com URL? Help Me!

If you own a Wavlink range extender, then you might be well aware of the fact that it can be managed by the default web URL – wifi.wavlink.com. But, it has been found that users are unable to make the most of their devices because of their inaccessibility to this web address.

Mentioned in this write-up are the reasons that are not letting get success with the process of accessing the default URL of the extender and reaching the Wavlink login portal. Along with them, we’ve also highlighted the solutions so that you won’t face such an issue in the future.

Reasons Why You Are Unable to Access wifi.wavlink.com

1) You’re Entering the Wrong URL

In order to make a successful visit to the extender’s admin portal, one must enter the URL correctly. However, some users enter the URL incorrectly. For example, wifi wavlink com net or wifi wavlink com ap setup.

In case you’re also committing the same mistake, make the URL entrée again. But, this time make sure that you are entering it correctly. Once done, see if you are able to reach the admin portal of the extender.

2) Outdated Web Browser

The web browser is the only platform where the entire process of accessing the extender’s URL is carried out. But, this platform is supposed to flaunt the latest software version. In other words, the browser must be updated. Otherwise, you will keep facing problems and will not be able to access wifi.wavlink.com.

Apart from upgrading the internet browser, be sure that you are not utilizing the cached version of the web browser. If you do so, there is a possibility that the URL will work, but you will be taken to the cached version of the extender’s login portal.

3) Use of the Search Bar

It has been noticed that despite being aware of the fact that no web address can be accessed successfully via the search bar some users keep committing the same mistake. Perhaps, you’ve also done the same thing. Therefore, it is time that you change your ways.

To do so, enter the web address into the URL bar a.k.a. the address bar of the web browser. As far as the location of the URL bar is concerned, you will find it at the top of the browser no matter whether you are using Chrome, Safari, Edge, etc.

4) Weak Internet Connection

You cannot ignore the internet connection when it comes to accessing the default URL of the Wavlink extender. The internet connection must be strong at all costs. Considering that your extender fetches the internet from the main router, have a check on the connection between both devices.

In the case of an Ethernet cable, ensure that you’re making use of a non-damaged one and the cable is plugged into the devices’ correct ports. However, if your devices are sharing a wireless connection, kindly pay heed to the distance through which your WiFi devices are separated. It is supposed to be optimal no matter what.

5) Antivirus Software

Installing an antivirus software on a PC is a good idea. But, this idea can give trouble if it keeps blocking access to the wifi.wavlink.com URL. Confused? Well, being a networking device, a Wavlink extender’s URL is considered a networking website. Now, you might be knowing that antivirus application prevents access to networking sites.

To patch things up, temporarily disable the antivirus application installed on your PC. After that, you will surely be able to access the extender’s default web address and reach the Wavlink setup wizard.

The Final Thoughts

Accessing the wifi.wavlink.com URL is an important thing. The reason being it opens the gateway to the Wavlink extender’s settings. We are now anticipating that the hacks provided here will be able to pull you out of the mess.

Just in case you are still facing problems, resetting the range extender is a good idea. It will provide you with the advantage of reconfiguring the extender from scratch. You can do so by accessing the default URL or the WPS approach.