www.mywifiext.net Refused to Connect? Let’s Fix!

“I have Netgear N600 extender and need to configure it. But, I am unable to setup Netgear extender because www.mywifiext.net refused to connect. I tried everything to fix the issue, but nothing comes in my hand. This article is my last and final hope.”

If this query looks similar to you, then yes, it would be your last hope. After this, you will not explore for more solution related to the same issue.  We give you our words that by the end of this post you will have the fix in hand to the www.mywifiext.net refused to connect” issue.

Let’s dive in!

www.mywifiext.net Refused to Connect

The Fixes

Fix 1: Check the Power

Is your Netgear N600 extender powered on? This might sound weird to you, but you need to verify it. Ok, let us explain! If your extender isn’t powered on, then how would you able to access Netgear_ext. And, if you are not able to access Netgear_ext, then how will www.mywifiext.net accept to connect?

So, powering on your Netgear extender is important. And, providing it a steady power supply from a working wall outlet is more than important.

Try this fix and www.mywifiext.net will accept to connect for sure. In case, the first fix doesn’t for you, then you can try the next one.

Fix 2: Your Extender’s SSID Is Hidden

Folks, as we have already mentioned:

If you want to connect to www.mywifiext.net, then accessing Netgear_ext is must. And, if you are unable to access it, then www.mywifiext.net will refuses to connect.

Now, the question is why you are unable to access Netgear_ext?

The answer is – you will be unable to access Netgear_ext if it is hidden. So, make sure that it isn’t hidden. And, once the SSID is visible on the list of available networks, www.mywifiext.net will accept to connect.

Note: Go to the WiFi settings to verify the same. Apart from this, you also have to ensure that you haven’t changed the extender’s default SSID i.e. Netgear_ext.

Before we proceed further, let us tell you that we are only extending this article just because we want you to make sure that nothing is missing from your end.

Fix 3: The WiFi Password

Ok, you have enabled the extender’s WiFi network name and Netgear_ext is now broadcasting. But, what if you are still unable to connect to it? Well, in that case, you have to ensure that the WiFi password you are using to connect to Netgear_ext is correct.

Fix 4: The Connection

To fix www.mywifiext.net refused to connect issue please ensure that:

Your Netgear extender and router are properly connected in a wireless manner or using an Ethernet source.

The device you are using to access www.mywifiext.net is accessing the extender’s SSID i.e. Netgear_ext.

The Bonus Tip

If www.mywifiext.net refuses to connect again and again, then why not you use it like mywifiext.net (without using www).

On the off chance if mywifiext.net refuses to connect too, then just ensure the following.

The Important Points

No matter which web address you are using www.mywifiext.net or simply mywifiext.net, if they are entered in the browser’s search bar, they will definitely refuses to connect. So, we suggest you to use the browser’s address bar only for entering the same.

Are you using the browser’s address bar and then also you are getting www.mywifiext.net refused to connect or mywifiext.net not working issue? If yes, then, maybe you are committing typing errors. So, after entering www.mywifiext.net or mywifiext.net, please cross-check it and ensure that there aren’t any typos.

Note: If you want to prevent typing errors, then you can copy the web address and paste it in the URL bar.

We assure you that after using this technique, the “www.mywifiext.net refused to connect or mywifiext.net not working” issue will be fixed shortly.

In the event that you somehow get the same issue, then:

This time you will surely get a relevant fix in hand for the issue you are getting.

In a Nutshell
Once www.mywifiext.net accepted to connect or mywifiext.net started working for you, then you are all set to log in to your Netgear N600 extender. And, once you are logged in successfully, have access to the mywifiext setup page, configure it (in case it is not configured), update its firmware, and change its settings as per preferences.