Guide to Perform TP-Link Extender Firmware Update

For the smooth functioning of your TP-Link wireless range extender, it is important that you perform TP Link firmware update from time to time. If you are wondering how to go about the process, walk through this article. Here, we have mentioned the step-by-step guidelines that will help you update your WiFi device to the latest firmware version. Thus, scroll down and read on.

How to Perform TP-Link Firmware Update?

Power on Your TP-Link Extender

Connect Extender to Router

Launch an Internet Browser

Perform TP-Link Extender Login

Update Extender Firmware

In some time, the firmware of your TP-Link wireless range extender will get updated to the latest version. Now, you can take advantage of the latest security features, fix bugs, and make the most out of your WiFi device.

In case you get stuck at any point while trying to update the firmware of your device, consider following the troubleshooting hacks mentioned below.

Can’t Perform TP-Link Extender Firmware Update?

Summing Up

Our guide to perform TP-Link firmware update has come to an end here. We hope that after following the guidelines mentioned above, you will surely be able to update the firmware of your wireless device to the latest version.

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